Setting up a Shared Mailbox on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad)

Setting up a Shared Mailbox on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad)

1.Go to Settings > Mail > Add account (Accounts & Passwords > Add account).

2.Select Other from the list of types.

3.Tap Add Mail Account.

4.Enter a name for the mail account (e.g. Shared Mailbox)

5.Enter the email address of the shared mailbox

6.Enter the password of a mailbox that has access to the shared mailbox (e.g. your own password)

7.Enter a description for the mailbox (e.g. Shared Mailbox)

8.Tap Next.

9.Select IMAP

10.Fill in the following:

Under Incoming Mail Server

Host Name:

User Name: enter the email address of the account that has access to the shared mailbox, followed by a "\" and then the email address of the shared mailbox itself (e.g.\

Password: Enter the password of the mailbox with the permission to access the shared mailbox (your password)

Under Outgoing Mail Server

Host Name:

User name: Enter the email address of the mailbox with the
permission to the shared mailbox (e.g. your

Password: Enter the password of the mailbox with the permission to
access the shared mailbox

11.Tap Next, then tap OK for the error. Tap Next again and then Save.

12.Click on the Account you just created.

13.Click under IMAP the account you created

14.Click Advanced at the bottom

15.Click Use SSL to enable with a Green slide

16.Click on Account to go back

17.Click Done, you should see check boxes showing you are now able to login to the account

18.In the next screen, choose which items to sync and tap Save.

19.Exit Settings and start the Mail app.

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